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Plagiarism Policy

The Plagiarism Policy outlines the journal’s commitment to maintaining academic integrity. It details the importance of originality, proper citation, and the consequences of plagiarism in submitted manuscripts.

Plagiarism Policy

This journal follows a strict approach to plagiarism detection. All submitted manuscripts are carefully examined using advanced software to compare content with a broad database of sources for similarity. The editorial team ensures proper citation and coherence. Authors are required to declare the originality of their work and give proper source attribution, upholding the journal’s commitment to academic integrity.

Authors must acknowledge their awareness of the journal’s plagiarism and copyright policies when signing the copyright transfer agreement. Manuscripts are reviewed under the condition that any unpublished data is properly credited and permission has been obtained where necessary. The policy applies to submissions to the International Journal of Research Culture Society (IJRCS).

Plagiarism involves copying ideas, text, data, and other creative work, such as tables and figures, and presenting them as original without proper citation. Authors are responsible for ensuring that reused material, even if cited correctly, is appropriately authorized by the copyright holder. Plagiarism also extends to presenting others’ ideas in a new form, even if rephrased, and requires clear citation.

Authors must properly attribute any ideas or material from prior work, even if the journal employs double-blind review. If citing their own previous work, authors must include “blinded” citations to maintain the integrity of the review process. If a manuscript is under review elsewhere, authors must notify the editor of that journal to avoid parallel publication.

The ultimate goal of this policy is transparency, ensuring that the editorial staff understands what is original and what is derived from prior work. If there is any uncertainty about proper citation, authors should clarify the situation in a cover letter to the editor.