Emerging Trends in Digital Transformation


Instructions to Authors

The guidelines provide detailed information on manuscript submission, including formatting requirements, ethical standards, and necessary documentation. Authors should adhere to these instructions to ensure their submission meets the journal’s standards.

Peer Review Process

Emerging Trends in Digital Transformation follows a rigorous, three-step peer review process to ensure the publication of high-quality research.

Initial Review:
Each submission is first reviewed by the editorial office to assess its relevance to the journal’s scope, compliance with formatting requirements, and absence of commercial bias. Submissions failing to meet these criteria are returned to the authors with constructive feedback.

Peer Review:
Manuscripts that pass the initial review are then sent for expert evaluation by members of the editorial board or external specialists in the field. Typically, two to three experts provide detailed feedback on the manuscript’s quality and relevance.

Final Decision:
Following the peer review, the editor makes the final decision based on the reviewers’ recommendations, which could include acceptance, revision, or rejection. The corresponding author is notified of the decision, accompanied by the reviewers’ comments for any necessary revisions.

Publication Frequency

Journal will be published on monthly basis. 

Application Processing Charges

The journal fee structure is as follows for Indian authors, the fee is 1000 INR, which is inclusive of all charges with no hidden fees. For authors from the USA or other countries, the fee is USD $50, also inclusive of all charges with no additional costs. The journal charge covers the publication of the research paper, as well as an individual certificate copy for each author of the paper.

Manuscript Submission

Eligibility for Submission:

  • Authors from diverse disciplines such as engineering, technology, business, healthcare, and related fields, including undergraduates, postgraduates, and professionals, are encouraged to submit manuscripts.
  • Researchers working on clinical trials, data-driven studies, or other applied technological research are also welcome to submit.

Manuscript Submission Process:
Manuscripts should be submitted via email to the journal at: [email protected]

Submission Requirements:
The submission email must contain the following items as separate attachments:

  • Title Page: The title page should include the full title of the manuscript, author(s) names, their academic affiliations, and corresponding author’s contact details (address, email, phone number).
  • Abstract and Keywords: A concise abstract (up to 300 words) that clearly summarizes the study’s objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Include 5-10 keywords relevant to the paper in alphabetical order.
  • Main Manuscript Document: The manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).
  • Copyright Transfer Form: Completed and signed by all authors, transferring copyright to the journal upon publication.
  • Conflict of Interest Statement: A completed and signed form by all authors declaring any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Graphs, Figures, and Tables: All visuals, including graphs and figures, should be submitted separately after the references in the manuscript.
  • References: The reference list should be formatted according to the guidelines provided below.
  • Acknowledgments: Any individuals or organizations that contributed to the work, other than the authors, should be acknowledged.

Manuscript Format and Structure

Manuscripts should be prepared following the guidelines developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). All manuscripts must be written in English and adhere to the following formatting instructions:

  1. General Formatting

    • Manuscripts should be typed in Microsoft Word, using double-spacing and A4 size paper.
    • Use a 1-inch (25 mm) margin on all sides.
    • All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page.
    • Tables and Figures should not be embedded within the text, but instead, placed at the end of the manuscript, after the references.
  2. Title Page

    • The title should be concise, informative, and free from abbreviations.
    • The title page should include:
      • Full manuscript title
      • Author names and academic degrees
      • Affiliations of authors
      • Corresponding author’s contact information (postal address, email, and phone number)
  3. Abstract and Keywords

    • The abstract must be a concise summary of the study’s key points.
    • For original research articles, the abstract should include sections such as Introduction, Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
    • Avoid the use of abbreviations, tables, or references in the abstract.
    • Provide 5-10 keywords that represent the main topics of the paper.
  4. Introduction

    • The introduction should provide background information and the rationale for the study.
    • Clearly state the purpose or hypothesis of the research.
  5. Materials and Methods

    • This section should detail all materials, methodologies, and tools used in the study, allowing others to replicate the research.
    • Include relevant statistical methods and provide product names and manufacturers in parentheses, when applicable.
  6. Results

    • Present the findings in a logical and clear manner, using text, tables, and figures.
    • Do not repeat content from tables in the main text.
    • Provide exact p-values for statistical significance where necessary.
  7. Discussion

    • Highlight the significance of the findings in relation to existing literature.
    • Address any limitations of the study and suggest possible areas for future research.
  8. Conclusion

    • The conclusion should summarize the study’s findings and relate them directly to the original research question.
    • Avoid overgeneralized statements.
  9. Acknowledgments

    • Acknowledge individuals who contributed to the study but are not listed as authors.
    • Mention any funding sources for the study.
  10. References

    • References must be numbered consecutively in the order they are cited in the text, using superscript numbers.
    • Follow the citation style set by ICMJE for consistency. For detailed examples, refer to the ICMJE Uniform Requirements.